Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I thought that my life was pretty good, i was sure of who i was as a person and tryin to live that way, but i realized i was utterly and completely wrong. im bordering the line of world and God. i need to realize that i need to be one person, all the time, and not just when i need to be. i need to be who i truly am, a servant of Jesus Christ 24/7. and of course its hard, and i thought i was handling it very well until i looked back on my life and realized how much i compromised and how worldly i acted..and it shocked me. it also sadened me, but it just goes to show how easily it is to be fooled and told that we’re doing great when in reality we’re drowning. its so scary to see how far we can wander away from God and yet we think we’re perfect. im saying this because it makes me realize theres gotta be more people out there like me and im doing everything in my power to change myself, and anyone else i can..its scary to think what will happen if we dont..